Excise Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath

090 649 2363


Email Address to Explain Pupil Absence: stpetersabsent@gmail.com

Excise St., Athlone,

Co. Westmeath

09:10am - 2:50pm

Monday to Friday

090 64 92363


Excise Street, Athlone

Co. Westmeath

08:30 - 16:00

Monday to Friday

About Us

Founded in 1934, St. Peter’s N.S. is a Catholic Senior Girls School, under the patronage of the Bishop of Elphin. It caters for girls from 2nd to 6th class.  The school also caters for boys and girls with mild general learning disability in a special class setting.

St. Peter’s School has 13 teachers including the principal.  We have 7 mainstream classes 2nd to 6th class inclusive.  We have two classes that cater for pupils with special needs.  We have one full time and two part teachers in our SET team. We share a Home School Liaison Teacher with two other schools in the parish.

Our school is a DEIS Band I designated disadvantaged under the auspices of the Department of Education and Science.  The school depends on the grants and teacher resources provided by the Department of Education and Science and it operates within the regulations laid down by the Department.  Our school policy has regard to the resources and funding available.

We have a breakfast club every morning from 8:30 – 9:00 am, here children can have their breakfast before school. We have a homework club every evening from 2:50 – 6:00 pm, here children can have a wholesome dinner, obtain help with their homework and have an opportunity to play with their peers.

We are especially keen to foster personal and academic development in a caring, secure, challenging environment so that all of our pupils can reach their full potential.

March 2025