All images are © St Peter's NS and may not be used without the permission of the school.
The Green School Committee is made up of our Principal Mrs Fagan, Ms Kilgannon and a pupil from each of the classes in the school. The school has been awarded five Green Flags from An Taisce, one for Waste Management, one for Energy Management, one for Water Conservation, one for Transport and one for Bio-diversity. Our school garden was a great help when we were working towards our fifth green flag.
Since we were awarded our first Green Flag we continue to compost our waste. We put orange & banana skins, apple cores and any other worm friendly food into our green bins in the classrooms. Our SNA Martina organises the pupils to collect all the compost waste from the classrooms. Mrs Lynch takes home our compost each week. She puts the waste in her compost bin and when it has decomposed she uses it for her garden. Mrs Lynch brings flowers and plants from her garden for our Sacred Space in school.
Green Schools Committee
Daria (6th Class)
Abbie (6th Class)
Hollie (5th Class)
Aleksa (4rd Class)
Emily (3nd Class)
Valentina (3nd Class)
Aaqeem (Gold)
Ellen (Silver)
Tommy Lee (Caretaking Team)
Kellie Conlon (Caretaking Team)
Mrs. Anne Fagan (Principal)