Excise Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath

090 649 2363


Email Address to Explain Pupil Absence: stpetersabsent@gmail.com

Excise St., Athlone,

Co. Westmeath

09:10am - 2:50pm

Monday to Friday

090 64 92363


Excise Street, Athlone

Co. Westmeath

08:30 - 16:00

Monday to Friday

New Email Address To Explain Pupil Absence: stpetersabsent@gmail.com

Welcome To Our Website

St Peter’s National School welcomes you to our website. Please click the links above for up to date information on our school and for an insight into our work, celebrations and achievements.

St. Peter's News

5th Class Visit Athlone Library

Peace Proms 2024-25

We want to share some exciting news that we have been selected to perform at Peace Proms in Dublin in February. Today we took our official photo for it. Click here to see the songs that we will be singing: Peace Proms Songs 2025

5th Class Visit the Lock Gates

Our 5th class students recently enjoyed an educational walk along the River Shannon in Athlone, where they had the exciting opportunity to witness the lock gates in action. Abbey’s grandfather showed us how they worked. The students were fascinated as they observed how the gates operate to control the water levels, allowing boats to pass through the river safely. It was a wonderful hands-on learning experience, sparking curiosity about our local waterways and the importance of the Shannon to our town.

Good Luck to Our Principal, Mr. Connaughton, in the County Final

Today we presented our principal, Mr Connaughton, with a special card from all the staff and pupils in the school wishing him well in the county hurling final. Mr Connaughton will be lining out for St Dominic’s on Sunday. We are all rooting for him. Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat, Mr Connaughton!

Mercy Day Prayer Service 2024

Today we celebrated Mercy Day as our school St Peter’s N.S is a Mercy School. The nuns from the Sisters of Mercy and Father Christopher joined us for a special prayer service. 5th class told the story of Sister Catherine McAuley who founded the order and they presented all the wonderful qualities that Catherine McAuley possessed. Children from various classes then read special prayers of the faithful. Eno and Amy performed a lovely piece of music. Thank you to Mrs. Flynn who co-ordinated this special occasion.

Welcome to Our New 2nd Class

A warm welcome to all our new 2nd class students. We are so excited to have you as part of our school community. Over the past few weeks, the pupils have been settling in beautifully, adjusting to their new routines and making lots of new friends. They have also enjoyed meeting their ‘6th class Big Sisters’ who have helped them to settle into our school.

Their teacher, Ms. Whelan, is incredibly proud and impressed with how well they’ve adapted, showing enthusiasm and kindness every day. It’s been wonderful to see them embrace new learning challenges and support one another in and out of the classroom.

We’re looking forward to fantastic years ahead in St. Peter’s N.S; full of growth, creativity, and lots of fun experiences.

Sports Day 2024

We had a fantastic time at our sports day this week. The different stations included fun races, Olympic hunt, parachute, hula hoop games, obstacle course, relay races and basketball with Ciaran. Many thanks to Mrs. Browne and 6th class for organising a brilliant day.

Athlone Walking Tour

Vincent Harney led 5th class on an insightful and really interesting guided walking tour of Athlone. It was filled with oral history, folklore, facts about the various landmarks, stories about famous residents and major events. We are so blessed to have a town that is steeped in such rich history and culture on our doorstep and it was a thrilling experience to explore it further today.

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the 2nd class children in Ms. Whelan’s and Ms. Walsh’s classes who recently made their First Holy Communion.

Halloween 2023

Basketball with Paddy

We are enjoying our weekly basketball sessions with Paddy from Athlone Basketball Club.

Parents Cookery Course

Last week of 6 week Parent Cookery Course in St Peter’s School Kitchen. Text will be sent about different parent classes happening throughout the year.

Green School News- The Harvest

This year was a good one in our school garden. We harvested crops of potatoes, radish, garlic, onion and pumpkins. We also enjoyed damsons, blackcurrants and delicious strawberries as well as lots of herbs.

Our wet summer really helped our pumpkins to grow big and round. Last to harvest will be our Brussel sprouts. We hope to have a crop ready for Christmas.

Garda Visit Senior Gold Class

Green School Committee 2023-24

Green School Class Reps 2023-2024:
Nuala Sherlock: Gold Class

Jaden Lynch -Silver Class

Amelia O’Neill/Amelia Devoy: 3rd Class

Amy Walsh: 3rd /4th Class

Layla Coyne: 6th Class

Sara Pietrusiewicz: 5th Class

Amelia Kearney: 5th Class

Karolina De Almieda: 4th Class

Maria Sobczyk: 2nd Class

Green School Staff Members:
Ms Callinan, Ms Quinn, Sabrina-Cleaning and Maintenance, Pat – Care taker.

Our Principal Mrs. Fagan Retires

With sincere gratitude, admiration and emotion, St. Peter’s N.S bid farewell to Principal Mrs. Anne Fagan as she embarks on a well-deserved retirement after 41 years of dedicated service. Mrs. Fagan is a past pupil of St. Peter’s N.S herself. She took up her first teaching job in St. Peter’s N.S in 1982, she worked in the role as HSCL for many years and in 2018 she became principal.


Throughout her time as principal, Mrs. Fagan served as a beacon of inspiration, guiding students, teachers and staff members. Leading by example, Mrs. Fagan demonstrated a strong work ethic, integrity and compassion. Mrs. Fagan will be especially remembered for her contribution to music in the school as she shared her passion for singing and dancing with the students which culminated in concerts, yard discos, flash-mobs, céilí dances, carol singing, Féile Ceoil and Peace Proms performances.

On Wednesday, the school paid tribute to Mrs. Fagan with a special retirement concert dedicated to her where every child in the school performed. This was followed by a presentation to Mrs Fagan with gifts from each of the classes and a wonderful and fitting speech from vice principal Mrs. Maureen Flynn about Mrs. Fagan’s phenomenal career and impact on St. Peter’s N.S. In an impassioned and eloquent speech, Mrs. Fagan spoke fondly of her time in St. Peter’s N.S. Finally, much to Mrs. Fagan’s surprise, there was a very special rendition of ‘Dancing Queen’ (rewritten and co-ordinated by Mrs. Roche) in her honour.


As one of her last acts as principal Mrs. Fagan treated the children to ice-cream as she organised the arrival of an ice-cream van. There were emotional scenes on Excise Street on Friday afternoon as the last school bell rang during Mrs. Fagan’s tenure. Parents and past pupils organised a special guard of honour outside the school in Mrs. Fagan’s honour. The attendance by so many was testament to the appreciation and love held for Mrs. Fagan.

Mrs. Fagan has given her heart and soul to our school and she will be fondly remembered and sorely missed by all. We wish her a long, healthy and happy retirement. Comhairdeachas! Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat.


Tribute to Mrs. Fagan on Her Retirement Video

Barbershop Songs

Army Band

The army band visited us today and treated us to an amazing performance. It was so entertaining and so much fun.

Big Sister

On Monday ‘Big Sister’ started with Karen. Mrs. Flynn’s 6th class accompanied Ms. Whelan’s 2nd class on a walk. This programme helps our new students to settle into the school.

Welcome Back September Assembly

Mrs. Fagan held a welcome back assembly today. She welcomed the new 2nd class pupils to St. Peter’s N.S. Some marvellous 4th class pupils did presentations on Anne Frank, friendship bracelets and art. We are looking forward to a great 2023-2024 school year!

Student of the Year Awards

Garda Road Safety Competition

Garda Aileen O’Connor presented Georgina with an award for the Road Safety Art Competition. Well done Georgina on your fantastic achievement!

Green School Sustainability Award

Congratulations to Ms. Callinan, her 4th class and the green school committee on winning the Green Schools’ Sustainability Award. Mayor of Athlone, Louise Heavin presented the school with a cheque for €250 from the Athlone Credit Union.

5th Class School Tour To Fort Lucan

Mrs. Fagan's Flash Mob in the Yard

Ice-cream Van Comes To St. Peter's N.S

Thanks to our lovely principal Mrs. Fagan for organising a special surprise of the ice-cream van today! We all enjoyed delicious ice-creams!

An Garda Síochána Art Competition

Massive congratulations to Layla in 5th class who won the An Garda Síochána Art Competition. Pupils had to come up with art based on the theme of road safety and Layla designed a fantastic poster about safety when wearing earphones. It is a brilliant achievement and are very proud of you Layla!

Sports Day 2023

Thanks to Mrs. Browne for organising an amazing sports day. Check out some of the action below!

Guided Walking Tour of Athlone

Vincent Harney led 5th class on an insightful and really interesting guided walking tour of Athlone. It was filled with oral history, folklore, facts about the various landmarks, stories about famous residents and major events. We are so blessed to have a town that is steeped in such rich history and culture on our doorstep and it was a thrilling experience to explore it further today.

Gold and Silver Class Tour - Turoe Pet Farm

Green Schools News - May 2023

While our potatoes, garlic, onions, radish and sprouts are thriving in the garden, we turn our attention towards natural pest control and the far more enjoyable task of planting our window boxes and pots. We are looking forward to the hum of pollinators and the cheerful splash of colour.

In other news our caterpillar larva has developed into caterpillars that began the cocooning process on the 8th May. We anxiously await the emergence of butterflies around the 15th-20th May.

We are happy to report that we have achieved zero litter in the yard all this week. Congratulations everyone!

Green Schools: Spring Gardening

Spring has arrived and we are busy in the garden planting potatoes, garlic, onions, radishes and brussel sprouts.
The weather is finally improving and we can enjoy the gorgeous colours of the tulips and spring flowers we planted in September.


Congratulations to our 6th class pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation today. They were very well prepared by their teachers Mrs. Cleare, Mrs. Flynn and Ms. Poland. A special mention goes to the 5th class choir and Mrs. Roche for providing beautiful music for the special ceremony.

Triple P Positive Parenting Seminar

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Lots of Socks Day 2023

On March 21st colourful socks was our chosen attire in honour of World Down Syndrome Day. The Lots of Socks campaign helps to raise awareness.

Féile Ceoil 2023

Our Junior and Senior choirs performed in the Féile Ceoil Átha Luain in the Dean Crowe Theatre on Tuesday night the 21st of March. Our 2nd and 5th classes also did some Irish dancing.  The audience gave them a rapturous reception. Sincere thanks to Mrs. Hilary Roche for preparing the girls so well and conducting them on the night.

Our orchestra comprising of 5th and 6th students performed in the matinee show today in Féile Ceoil. Paul and their teachers were very proud of them. Maith Sibh!

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

Musician Liam Wynette

Local musician Liam Wynette visited us as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge. Liam performed tunes on the Uilleann Pipes. He answered many questions about what it is like to be a musician and about the traditional Irish instrument.

Comórtas Seanfhocail

Ms. Hannon organised many activities for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023 including a competition to design a poster to represent a seanfhocal. Comhghairdeas leis na buaiteoirí go léir!

Céilí sa Halla

We enjoyed a céili in the hall today. We did An Rince Mór and the Walls of Limerick. Over the past 7 weeks, Edel from Conway Dance Academy has been teaching us dances so we were well prepared for the day. Bhí craic agus spraoi againn!

Mrs. Fagan's Farm

Ms. Quinn’s and Ms. Callinan’s 4th classes visited Mrs. Fagan’s farm recently. They learned all about agriculture and dairy farming in particular. Mrs. Fagan gave the girls some lovely treats also. Thanks to the Fagan family for the invitation to visit, especially at this very busy time of year. It was such an interesting outing.


The Big Busk for Focus Ireland

Our principal Mrs. Fagan organised that 5th class would participate in Today FM’s Big Busk for Focus Ireland in Golden Island Shopping Centre.  We enjoyed it so much along with raising €346.20 for a great cause!

5th Class Visit IMR in Mullingar

Irish Manufacturing Research

On Thursday the 9th of March, we went to IMR in Mullingar. We were invited to go as we were successful in the ‘Ship the Biscuit’ challenge. We were greeted by Maria and an impressive large screen that had a welcome message for St. Peter’s Girls N.S.

First we went to the green screen area; it was a room with virtual reality. Then were taught all about augmented reality. AR is when you draw something and put it into the real world like a filter.

Secondly Maria brought us to the robotics area. The robots could race us, pick up blocks, write and even shake our hands. Then we went to the 3D printing area where we looked at products that were made from the 3D printer. It was fascinating to see the 3D printer in action.After that we had some tasty snacks in the eating area that were provided by IMR.

Finally, we did a coding workshop with Maria. We worked on a laptop and programmed microbots to show patterns with LED lights and we could even code them to play music. It was an amazing experience. I thought that it was state of the art and very high tech. We were all really impressed and some of us would even like to work there in the future.

By Leah, 5th Class

Playworks on the Yard

This week Ms. Hannon, Mrs. Panka and 6th class trained all the pupils in the school on how to set up and play playworks games for break and lunch times on the school yard.

Playworks games are designed to create a place for every child on the playground -where every child belongs, has fun and is part of the game. Some of the games include hotspot, 4 squares, circle dodgeball and switch. It has been a total success with lots of fun being had at break and lunch times.

World Book Day - Reading Buddies

On World Book day, we visited St. Paul’s N.S to read with Senior Infants. It was a lovely experience to read with the younger children and to talk about the books. Mrs. Flynn also organised a poster competition about reading and books for every class in the school.

Mindfulness in Gateway

5th class are enjoying participating in a weekly mindfulness course organised by Gateway Youth Project Athlone. Thank you to Lorraine for leading the sessions every Monday.

Discover Science Display Day (Science Fair)

Peace Proms in the RDS

Ms. Quinn’s 4th class, Ms. Callinan’s 4th class and Ms. Miley’s 5th class performed as part of the Peace Proms Choir on Saturday 4th February in the RDS Dublin. Our HSCL Mrs. Hanley organised a parents bus and many parents were in attendance in the audience. It was a spectacular day and one that the children will remember for a long time to come.

Enrolment 2023-24

Thank you for your interest in our school. We are now accepting applications for admission. A copy of the enrolment form is available at the following links:

MS Word Application for School Admission for School Year 2023-2024

PDF Application for School Admission for School Year 2023-2024

Email your application to stpetersgns@gmail.com or

Post to St. Peter’s NS, Excise Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 XY50

You are welcome to call the school at 0861385826 between 9.30am and 2.30pm if you have any enquiries.

If you wish a hard copy of the form to be posted to you, please email your name and postal address to stpetersgns@gmail.com

Details of applicable dates for our enrolment process can be found in the  St Peter’s N.S Admission Notice 2023-24, while the Admissions Policy governs the enrolment process and criteria.

Parents Zumba Classes

It was day 1 of  the Parents Zumba Class yesterday. There are spaces available for the next 3 weeks (Tuesday 12.30 to 1.15pm in St. Peter’s School Hall)and parents can contact our HSCL Leonora Hanley on 087 381 9168 to book.

A Special Visit

The boys were delighted with the special visit of the road sweeper to the school. Thanks to Elaine Berry for organising it. It was a super surprise!

Carol Singing in Golden Island

4th and 5th classes went carol singing in Golden Island Shopping centre. They raised money for St. Vincent De Paul. Thanks to Mrs. Roche as always for accompanying us.

Christmas Carol Service 2022

Cinema in the Hall

Mrs. Fagan organised a special treat for us today… a cinema in the hall with a special showing of the Christmas classic Home Alone. She even supplied popcorn! We brought our comfy blankets and we had the best afternoon!

Christmas Jumble Sale

On Friday 15th of December, Mrs. Cleare and Mrs. Flynn’s 6th classes organised and ran our Christmas Jumble Sale in the hall. This was the first time that it was held in 3 years due to covid restrictions the last 2 years. It was such a wonderful day and a total success. Massive credit goes to the 6th classes and their teachers for their work preparing for the day and for their hard work on the different stalls on the day itself. Also special thanks to all those who baked goods for the day.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday we held Christmas Jumper Day for charity. Well done to everyone for making such a fantastic festive effort!

Orchestra Performance

Some of 5th and all of 6th class did a special musical performance for the entire school. Thanks to the orchestra and their conductor Paul for an enjoyable show.

Hot Chocolate

Mrs. Fagan aka Mrs. Claus treated us all to gorgeous hot chocolate today! It was a lovely warm surprise on an icy cold day!

Carol Singing in the Library

Peace Proms Practice in Dublin

Big Sister Little Sister

To help the new 2nd class pupils settle into St. Peter’s N.S we ran the ‘Big Sister, Little Sister’ programme with the help of Karen from SCP. This is where 2nd class pupils were paired up with 6th class pupils and they did a range of different activities. Great bonds and friendships were made.

50 Days Attendance Awards

At the November assembly, Mrs. Fagan presented the children who had 50 days attendance with a special certificate.  Maith sibh to all the children who received their awards. We are sure the rest of the pupils will obtain their certificates very soon so keep coming to school everyday!

Athlone Credit Union Winners 2022

Congratulations to our pupils who were successful in the Athlone Credit Union Art Competition. They had a special presentation where they received their prizes today.

Ballet Performance

Ms. Whelan’s 2nd class and Mrs. Lennon’s 3rd class had their ballet performance this week for their parents. The girls were amazing! Thanks to Gina for working with the girls and preparing them so well for the show.

Barnardos Online Safety Programme

This week 2nd-6th classes participated in Internet Safety Workshops with Paul. We enjoyed interesting and engaging sessions that will be really beneficial for us all.  He gave us 4 rules to remember to use the internet in a safe and positive way:

S-Stay Safe

T-Think Smart

A-Ask For Help

R- Reach Out

Halloween 2022

Mercy Day Mass


Today Fr. Innocent and Fr. Bernard celebrated Mercy Day mass with us. It was also to mark the start of our school year. It was a lovely mass with beautiful songs, blessings and prayers. Thanks to Mrs. Flynn for organising the mass and thanks to Mrs. Roche and Mrs. Cleare for organising the music.

July Summer Camps

At the beginning of July, some of our pupils attended summer camps provided by our school. Thanks to Ms. Connaughton and Ms. Bruton for running them for the Silver & Gold Classes. Check out the pictures below. It looked like so much fun!

Enrolment Video

Check out this video telling you all about our lovely school.

2nd Class School Tour

Maths Week

We enjoyed a wonderful Maths Week. We did daily maths problems, estimated marbles in the jar, completed maths trails outdoors, did measuring stations in the hall and played maths board games with 6th class. Here are some picture of our maths week prize winners. Special thanks to Mrs. Hannon for all her hard work organising a fantastic week!

World Book Day

Listen to our song to inspire you to read more!

Drumming Workshop

Mrs. Fagan organised a fabulous treat for all the classes as she invited musician Éamonn Cagney to the school for some drumming workshops. The children all enjoyed a fun and engaging workshop. Check out the videos and photos below.

4th Class Drumming        5th Class Drumming

STEAM Team Classes

STEAM Team Classes – Science, Technology, Engineering, Astronomy, Maths.

  • Starting March 26th 10am- 1pm in LWETB Clonown Road.
  • 1 child per adult.

Contact Leonora, HSCL on 0873819168 or email hsclathlonewest@gmail.com to book a place or for further information.

First Confession

Congratulations to the 2nd class pupils who made their First Confession with Fr. Bernard and Fr. Glenn in the school hall today. Mrs. Fagan, Ms. Miley & Ms. Whelan were very proud of the boys and girls. They are looking forward to their First Holy Communion in May already.

Irish Dancing Performance for Seachtain na Gaeilge

Karolina amazed her fellow classmates with a wonderful performance of her Irish dancing. We were blown away with her talent. She then kindly taught us some steps. Maith thú!


All the Way From China Novel

2nd class have been studying the novel ‘All the Way from China’ by Irish author Pat Boran. The girls enjoyed reading the book and doing different activities on it. When they finished the book, they had a little book club where they discussed many aspects of it and they also enjoyed some tasty treats!


Thank you for your interest in our school. Please note we will commence accepting applications for admission on 11/02/2022 and we shall cease accepting applications for admission on 18/03/2022. 

A copy of the enrolment form is available at the following links:

PDF Application for School Admission for School Year 2022-2023

MS Word Application for School Admission for School Year 2022-2023

You can download the MS Word and complete it electronically or alternatively print the PDF version and write in your child’s details.

Email your application to stpetersgns@gmail.com or

Post to St. Peter’s NS, Excise Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 XY50

You are welcome to call the school at 0861385826 between 9.30am and 2.30pm if you have any enquiries.

If you wish a hard copy of the form to be posted to you, please email your name and postal address to stpetersgns@gmail.com

We look forward to welcoming you, when it is safe to do so!

Details of applicable dates for our enrolment process can be found in the  St. Peter’s Admissions Notice 2022-2023 , while the Admissions Policy governs the enrolment process and criteria.

Weaving & Felting - Traditional Crafts

Christmas Carols & Hot Chocolate

Mrs. Roche led the classes in carol singing on the yard. It was great fun and very festive. Mrs. Fagan also organised a special treat of hot chocolate for everyone. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Weaving Workshop For Parents

Christmas Jumper Day 2021

We wore our festive jumpers today in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital. A great day was had by all!

Halloween 2021

Halloween Flower Arranging with HSCL

Our Home School Community Liaison Teacher, Mrs. Hanley organised a Parents Halloween Flower Arranging Class. Take a look at the beautiful arrangements below that the parents created.

Athlone Family Resource Centre

The following course/event might be of interest to parents. Please click below for more information.

Start from the Heart



Buggy Walks


Crazy Hair Day

On Wednesday the 29th of September we held a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ in aid of a Children’s Cancer Charity: Hand in Hand. We raised €350 and we had a brilliant day. Thank you to all the children who made a wonderful effort with their very funky hairstyles and generous donations.

Covid Response Plan - August 2021

We look forward to welcoming all our old and new students back to school on Monday 30th August 2021. Click on the link below to view our updated Covid Response Plan.

Covid Response Plan 2021

Student of the Year Awards 2020-2021

Congratulations to the worthy recipients of the Student of the Year Awards from the different class. A massive well done to the three 6th class pupils who won the Spirit of the School, the Michael Kelly Award and the Overall Student of the Year.

Ms. Hayes’ Gold Class: Abbie McKnight

Ms. Whelan’s Silver Class: Cliodhna Greene

Ms. Miley’s 2nd Class: Emily Collins

Ms. Poland’s 2nd Class: Aoife Lawless

Ms. Callinan’s 3rd Class: Mia Courtney

Mrs. Cleare’s 4th Class: Ola Grabowska

Ms. Quinn’s 4th Class: Zahraa Selo

Mrs. Flynn’s 5th Class: Vicky Rytal

Ms. Kilgannon’s 6th Class: Elizabeth Osho

Michael Kelly Award: Adlita Boakye

Spirit of the Year: Liliana Grimberg

Overall Student of the Year: Aukse Vinciunaite

End of Year Treat

Mrs. Fagan organised a really special treat for everyone when she invited the ice-cream van to visit. The whole school had a delicious ice-cream. It was a lovely surprise!

Reach for the Stars Video

This week we bid a sad farewell to our amazing 6th class pupils. We are so proud of all the girls as they get ready to leave our school and embark on the next stage of their education in secondary school. We wish you all every happiness in the future. Thank you for enriching our school while you were here.

For the last couple of weeks, they have been working on an exciting project where they taught the other classes in the school a dance routine. Check out the fabulous fun-filled video above!

Book Launch Video

Revelations Book Launch

It’s official, there are now 139 newly-published authors living in Athlone. The children in St. Peter’s N.S have engaged in an exciting initiative with Emu Ink Schools’ Publishing Programme where every child in the school has produced their own piece of writing. This anthology of work has culminated in the publication of their very own book entitled ‘Revelations’. This inspiring title was chosen collectively by Ms. Kilgannon’s 6th class and the beautiful cover was designed by 6th class pupil Adlita Boakye.

St. Peter’s N.S officially launched ‘Revelations’ on Wednesday 16th June in their school hall with special readings by various pupils in different classes. ‘Revelations’ is symbolic of the limitless imagination and talent of the pupils. Principal Mrs. Anne Fagan was thrilled for her school to participate and spoke of her delight and pride to see the students embrace themselves so wholeheartedly and enthusiastically in the creative writing process. She expressed her gratitude to the dedicated teachers who helped their pupils write, edit and proof-read their work for publication. The children were treated to Starbucks and Leisureplex vouchers, bookmarks, popcorn and chocolate for their wonderful effort and hard work.

A beautifully crafted collection of stories, ‘Revelations’ is packed full of reasons to read from cover to cover. From mystery and intrigue to crime, adventure and comedy, it has something for everyone. There are a limited number of copies available to purchase for €10 by contacting the school at 0861385826.

Enrolment Day Video

On Saturday we had our enrolment day for our new entrants who will be starting with us after the summer. We were delighted to meet and welcome our new students to the school. Ms. Miley will be the girls’ new teacher and she made a short video for them.

First Confession

Our pupils made their First Confession with Fr. Michael and Fr. Glen in the school hall today. The girls were well prepared for the special occasion. Ms. Whelan, Ms. Poland and Ms. Miley are very proud of each of the girls as they were excellent. We look forward to celebrating their Holy Communion in due course.

Free Online Safety Webinar for Parents

A free webinar on Online Safety will take place on Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7pm. This webinar has been organised by both LW CYPSC and LO CYPSC in partnership with Barnardos and is a direct response to parental consultations which were held across the four midlands counties, where parents expressed that they would like further supports and information on how best to keep their children and teenagers safe online.  

Barnardos online safety webinars for parents are based on current research and best practice to promote online safety for children. An experienced Barnardos trainer will be taking parents through many topics of conversation based on online safety. The objective is that parents will leave the webinar feeling empowered and have practical tips that will help their family stay safer and be happier on the internet.

The webinar will consist of a 45-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes Q&A session. To register or for further information, please email grainne.reid@tusla.ie

Our Book - 'Revelations'

We are delighted to let you know that your child has been afforded the opportunity to become a real published author. The children in St. Peter’s N.S have engaged in an exciting initiative with Emu Ink Schools’ Publishing Programme where every child in the school has produced their own story, poem, etc. All of this work has culminated in the publication of our very own book entitled ‘Revelations’. The wonderful title was chosen by 6th class.

We hope to have a book launch when the book is available and we will announce more details nearer to the event. You can now order your copy of ‘Revelations’ for €10 by contacting the school or sending the money in to your child’s class teacher.

Returning to School - March 2021

Please watch the following videos in preparation for returning to school. We look forward to welcoming 3rd to 6th class pupils back on Monday.

COVID-19 Back to School Advice for Parents

Back to School Advice for 3rd Class – 6th Class Pupils

Music Generation Traditional Irish Dance

This week Music Generation are exploring traditional Irish dance music for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021. Some of you may do Irish dancing and know some of the steps and dances. Click the image below to find out more.

Updated Covid-19 Response Plan

Click the link below to view our updated Covid-19 Response Plan.

Updated Covid-19 Response Plan

Music Generation Lockdown Lunchtime Choir

Music Generation are hosting free lockdown lunchtime choir sessions for all primary school students in 1st – 6th class across Offaly and Westmeath. Click this link below to register.

Music Generation Activities

Click the image below to check out the wonderful Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day music activities suggested by Music Generation.

Admission / Enrolment for September 2021

We are currently taking applications for admission for the 2021/2022 academic year.  Due to the current Level 5 Restrictions we ask you to please complete the Application Form below and return it to us by email or by post as soon as possible.

A copy of the enrolment form is available at the following links:

PDF -Application for Admission For School Year 2021 2022

MS Word -Application for Admission For School Year 2021 2022

You can download the MS Word form and complete it electronically or alternatively print the PDF version and write in your child’s details.

Email your application to stpetersgns@gmail.com or

Post to St. Peter’s NS, Excise Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 XY50


You are welcome to call the school at 0861385826 between 9.30am and 2.30pm if you have difficulty accessing or printing the form.

If you wish a hard copy of the form to be posted to you, please email your name and postal address to stpetersgns@gmail.com

We look forward to welcoming you, when it is safe to do so!

Details of applicable dates for our enrolment process can be found in the 2021 Admissions Notice, while the Admissions policy governs the enrolment process and criteria.

St Peter’s Admissions Notice 2021 -2022

St Peter’s N.S Application for Admission Form

St Peter’s N.S Admissions Policy

Christmas Art

Check out the fantastic festive array of art and crafts by the talented pupils in our school. Their hard work and creativity paid off as all the displays look beautiful.

Christmas Carols & Hot Chocolate

On Wednesday we took it in turns to do some Christmas carol singing outdoors with Mrs. Roche. Afterwards Mrs. Fagan treated us to some delicious hot chocolate.

Christmas Jumper Day

Well done to all of our pupils and staff who participated in our Christmas Jumper day in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital. It was great fun to get into the festive spirit and it was a lovely way to fundraise for a very worthy cause.

Christmas Video 2020

Late Late Toy Show Pyjamas

We had a very special surprise today! All the children of St. Peter’s N.S were the lucky recipients of beautiful Late Late Toy Show pyjamas. Special thanks to Pennys and Bernardos for organising this very special gift! We can’t wait to watch the Late Late Toy Show in our comfy pyjamas tonight!

Letter to the Parents - 30th October 2020

Halloween Dress-up Day

St Peter’s N.S was a spooky place today.  There was an incredible variety of imaginative, funny and downright scary costumes everywhere. Check them out below. Credit is due to our parents for your costume and make up skills. A great day was had and we wish you all a safe and happy Halloween break!

Parents Halloween Flower Arranging

Our HSCL teacher, Mrs. Hanley organised a Parents Halloween Flower Arranging Class off-site today. Parents attended from St. Peter’s N.S, St. Pauls N.S, Dean Kelly N.S and Coláiste Chiaráin. It was a very enjoyable day. Check out some of the beautiful arrangements above.

Autumn & Halloween Art

We have been very busy creating fabulous Autumn and Halloween art recently. Check out some of the ‘spooktacular’ art below!

Mercy Day - Zoom Assembly

On September 24th we marked Mercy Day in a very special way. Our principal Mrs. Fagan hosted a school assembly via zoom.  We were very excited when we saw ourselves on the big screen and we were able to see all the other classes in the school. Each class did their Maith Thú draw for excellent behaviour/work and Ms. Miley’s 2nd class performed ‘An Haka Gaelach’. Afterwards Mrs. Hanley dropped a special treat of a ice-cream to all the classes. It was a wonderful day!

A Tribute to the Late Sr. Bernard Lynch

Sr Bernard Lynch

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis


Let us not look for you only in memory,

where we could grow lonely without you.

You would want us to find you in presence,

beside us when beauty brightens,

when kindness glows

and music beckons eternal tones.

When orchids brighten the earth,

darkest winter has turned to spring.

May this dark grief flower with hope

in every heart that loves you.

May you continue to inspire us:

To enter each day with a generous heart

To serve the call of courage and love.

(John O’Donohue)

Since last Monday, our world is a bit smaller, a bit darker and much emptier as we grieve the loss of our cherished friend and former principal Sr Bernard.

On this the saddest of occasions, the school wishes to acknowledge the immense contribution that Sr Bernard has given to St Peter’s NS. She was always extremely proud of this school community, just as we were of her. Sr Bernard was an inspirational, dedicated, innovative, affirming and supportive teacher and principal. She taught here from 1967 until her retirement in 1993, serving as principal from 1974 -1993. Her involvement with us continued right up to her death.

As a teacher and school leader, she devoted her time to fostering the very best in each individual, whether staff or pupil. One never wanted for anything. Apart from her dedicated service as a class teacher, she found time for many extra -curricular activities. She had a longstanding love for and involvement in music, which included preparing and conducting the school choir to sing at 10am mass every Sunday morning in SS Peter& Paul Church. She often spoke of her fond memories of those days. She also had a great grá for the Irish language and during her time in the school, prepared and entered her class many times in Féile Drámaíochta na Scoileanna, where they won many accolades. Participation in Féile Ceoil na Scoileanna  became part of the school tradition under her leadership and has remained so to the present day.

Since her retirement 27 years ago, Sr Bernard has remained a mentor and ‘guardian angel’ to us all. She continued to take an interest in all our lives, both professional and personal. She has shared in our achievements, our joys and our sorrows. She remained a steadfast friend to her past colleagues and past pupils and continued to embrace the new staff and pupils in the same manner. Many are the times Bernard welcomed us to  ‘Tearmonn Micheál’ for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat.

Sr Bernard was ‘a walking saint’ and friend to all. She embodied Christian values, living them out, giving selflessly to the end. She was a very prayerful person with an unshakeable faith. Some present pupils described her as gentle, holy, caring, kind, modest and selfless.

‘Christ has no body now but yours.

No hands, no feet on earth but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which He looks compassion on this world.

Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good,

Yours are the hands through which He blesses all the world’.  (St Teresa of Avila)


Sr Bernard lived out the above, in every action of her life right to the end.


We have been truly privileged to have known such a woman of substance. There are many broken hearts this week and her passing has left a deep void in our lives. We have such sadness in our hearts, but may we all remember to leave space to carry love always as Sr Bernard did and leave it to spread and grow throughout our world as she did.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis

Reopening of School - Information for Parents

We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 31st of August. Please take time to read the important information below regarding the reopening of school.

Letter To Parents               Covid Response Plan 2020               Afterschool Reopening Letter

Letter to Parents from Norma Foley, Minster for Education

This is a letter to parents from Norma Foley, Minister for Education. The Board of Management will be making detailed plans and they will be ready over the next week or so. We will let you know the finalised plans as soon as possible. Click below to read the letter from Minister Foley.

Letter from Minister Foley to Parents

Farewell to our 6th Class Pupils

Goodbye to our fabulous 6th class pupils. Congratulations to the award recipients. We wish you the very best of luck in secondary school and in the future!

End of Year Awards 2019-2020

Message From Mrs. Fagan

Dear Parents/Guardians, students, school staff, volunteers and BOM members.

We have come to the end of the school year 2019/2020.

We had lots of happy times this year and although Covid 19 meant we had to miss the last few months of school, the Spirit of St. Peter’s still shone through.

I want to thank you for your hard work all year but especially since March 12th.

It is very important that we remember today all the people who lost their lives during Covid 19 and we pray for their families and friends.

Out of this pandemic we have learned to value our families, our friends and our health.

Every year in St. Peter’s we celebrate the good attendance, hard work and generous school spirit of our students.

The awards for each class are listed below.

Well done to you all and best wishes for a happy and healthy summer break.

I look forward to seeing you all in the new school year.

Anne Fagan

Student of the Year Awards

Class Student Of The Year

Spirit of The School Award

Michael Kelly Award

Overall Student of The Year

Attendance Awards

Gold and Silver Classes Attendance Awards

2nd Class Attendance Awards

3rd Class Attendance Awards

3rd/4th Class Attendance Awards

4th Class Attendance Awards

5th Class Attendance Awards

6th Class Attendance Awards

Assigned Work From Teachers

As a result of the extension to school closures, our teachers have prepared additional work for the children to complete at home. You can access it by clicking on the ‘classes’ tab in the menu above and selecting your child’s class.

School Garden

Ms. Callinan has been very busy looking after the school garden while the school has been closed. The seeds and bulbs that the children planted are flowering nicely and plenty of bees have come to visit. It is looking really beautiful. Check out the lovely photos below.

Summer Stars Reading Adventure

We would love St Peter’s pupils to join this year’s ‘Summer Stars Reading Adventure’ in conjunction with Athlone Library. All children throughout the country are invited to to enjoy the fun and pleasure of reading and writing over the summer. Summer Stars is non-competitive and every child who reads even one book is regarded as having completed the programme – and it’s all completely free! Click below for all the details.

Celebrating the Sixth Class Pupils of 2020

Westmeath Independent want to acknowledge Sixth Class pupils in special editions of the newspaper.

They are asking parents to submit photos of their sixth class children perhaps with a short message to their classmates and/or teachers.

Click the link below for more information.

Maths Week at Home

Welcome to Maths Week at Home in St. Peter’s N.S. From Monday morning the 15th of June 2020 you will be able to access a timetable for each class under the ‘classes’ section. The teachers have planned fun, practical and engaging Maths activities. The main thing is to give the activities your best effort. We hope you have a great week!

Music Generation Weekly Round-Up

This week the activities are all based around travel and transport with songs and activities to keep you busy and active. Enjoy!

Cruinniú na nÓg

Cruinniú na nÓg takes place this Saturday 13th June. Ireland’s National day of creative activity for children and young people. Check out the fantastic events in your area: Cruinniú na nÓg events in Westmeath

Music Generation are also joining forces with Offaly & Westmeath Library Services and hosting free online sessions: Cruinniú na nÓg events with Music Generation

Active Home Week

Hi everyone and welcome to St. Peter’s Active Home Week!
After talking to all the teachers and hearing how hard everyone has been working, we have decided to give you all a week off written work.
This week it’s all about Fun Fun Fun!!
I have put up a timetable of some activities you can try each day. We would love if you could send in some photographs to your teacher that we can put up on the website too.
If you would prefer to try activities you enjoy or learn a new skill please do.
This week is all about exercising our bodies in various ways and trying new things – let your imaginations guide you and don’t forget to share your stories and pictures with us.
Just press click here Active Home Week and have a look at all we have shared with you.
Looking forward to seeing what you get up to,
Mrs Browne

Music Generation Weekly Round-Up

This week Music Generation are sharing some activities that you can do outside in the garden while you enjoy the weather! You don’t need any special equipment as usual, just things you will find around the house. You can access musical activities appropriate to your class level so make sure to check it out.

Free Well-being Journal For Children

During challenging times, it’s more important than ever to look after your child’s well-being. To help parents to help their children, Outside the Box has produced a FREE activity journal (At Home with Weaving Well-being) to help children to enhance their mental well-being through a range of activities. It’s probably most suitable for children aged 8 to 12 tears old but can certainly be adapted for younger or older children.

STEM at Home

Science Foundation Ireland are sharing simple home experiments and resources for children of all ages. These resources allow parents and guardians to introduce science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to their children at home in a practical, hands-on, enjoyable and interactive way. All resources are easy to follow and free. Have fun experimenting!

A Musical Challenge From Mrs. Roche

Mrs. Roche has set the pupils of St Peter’s N.S a challenge. Can you learn ‘Happier’ with cups? Give it a go! Click the link below.

Happier Song with Cups – Music Activity by A.Mus.Ed

Home Learning Creative Work

We are so incredibly proud and impressed by all of the amazing work being done at home. We have a section on our website showcasing this fantastic work. Parents feel free to email on creative work (art, crafts, lego designs, photography etc) to your child’s teacher then we can post them for everyone to enjoy!

Everybody Worries Book

In this bright and friendly picture ebook, children learn that it’s okay to worry about coronavirus. Fun rhyming couplets keep the tone gentle and supportive, and you will find plenty of ideas for dealing with coronavirus in a positive way. ‘Everybody Worries’ offers your child the reassuring message that this crisis will pass, we are there for them, and we will get through this together. Click below to read the book.

Coronavirus - A Book For Children

Coronavirus: A Book for Children’ is illustrated by ‘The Gruffalo’s’ Axel Scheffler.  It is a FREE digital information book for primary school age children to help explain the coronavirus and the measures taken to control it. It answers lots of questions in a child-friendly way, and aims to both inform and reassure.  Click below to access the book.

Distance Learning Survey

Parents we would appreciate you taking a moment to complete this short survey about distance learning in our school during the Covid 19 pandemic. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will help us to gauge our school’s approach during these school closures. We would like to gather information which will inform our choice of resources and how we implement our learning strategies going forward. Please complete the survey by Friday, 15th of May 2020.  As always, we thank you for your co-operation.

Click here to take the survey

Latest Newsletter From Music Generation

Music Generation have a really interesting newsletter this week combining Music and Science. Have you ever wondered about how sound works or how do musical instruments make sound? If so, check out the link below as it is all about the science of sound.

More Learning on Fagan's Farm

Muinteoir Michael teaches outdoor lessons for children of all ages interested in farming and nature 🐄 🌳 🦋 🐝.  He uses plenty of lovely Gaeilge also. You must have parental supervision and you will need to access this via your parent’s accounts as you must be at least 13 years old to have an instagram account. Enjoy!

Physical Activity - What's Your Name?

This is a simple but fun and effective way to get some exercise at the moment. Spell out your name and complete the activity listed for each letter. Enjoy!

Online Music Production Course

Music Generation are offering young people aged 11+ living in, or attending any school in Co. Offaly or Co. Westmeath and members of MGOW groups an opportunity to do a music production course online for FREE.

They will guide you in the use of technology to create your own masterpiece!

For further details and to register your interest click below.

Keeping Connected in Times of Covid 19 Art Competition

The National Safeguarding Office of the HSE are running a Children’s Art Competition: ‘Keeping connected in times of Covid 19’. Children can draw or paint a picture to show how they are keeping in touch with older people in their life during these challenging times.

Please click on the poster below for further information:

Music Generation April Newsletter

Mrs. Roche has sent on the latest newsletter from Music Generation. See if you can spot some familiar faces in the Singfest clip of the beatboxing workshop with Greg from a few years ago! Click here: Music Generation April Newsletter

Milking on Mrs. Fagan's Farm

Weekly Challenges In Visual Arts, Steam, Literacy & Numeracy

Athlone Education Centre have posted some fun weekly challenges. We would love you to try them out and let us know how you got on. Check them out here: Week 1 Challenges

STEAM Lockdown Challenges

Join in the STEAM Lockdown Challenges, making use of all of your empty toilet roll/kitchen roll for creative greatness or recreate your favourite artists work of art, using different types of materials and supplies. Check them out here: STEAM Lockdown Challenges


RTÉ Home School Hub

RTÉ have launched a special Home School programme on every weekday from 11am to 12pm. We recommend that students access the different lessons according to their class level. You can catch up on all episodes on the RTÉ Player by clicking the link here: RTÉ Home School Hub

Suggested Music Activities

Mrs Roche has sent on some fabulous Easter music activities from Music Generation. Click here to check them out: Music Generation Suggested Activities

The Great Isolation Activity Book

This fabulous activity pack has lots of fun ideas for children of all ages to keep busy, express their creativity and work together with other family members! Check it out here: The Great Isolation Activity Book

Welcome to
St. Peter's N.S.

St. Peter’s National School is a primary school for girls aged 7 – 13 years, from 2nd to 6th class and for boys and girls with special needs in a special class setting.
St. Peter’s is a Catholic school. We offer a holistic, inclusive education to a multicultural community of children.

Read more

School History

St. Peter’s Girls’ N.S. opened in 1934. When the Sisters of Mercy acquired the site in 1930, they started planning for a new modern school to meet the needs of the 20th century. The school building was designed by Ralph Byrne and has been described by some as “perhaps the finest school building in Athlone.” Our school building is listed as a preserved building

The original drawings dated 1933, were for a “proposed 2 storey, 7 bay school with 2 wings at the back.” The turret of the school is based on the design of the steeple of the old Priory of Saints Peter and Paul.

The school’s official name is “An Scoil Chluineach ar choimirce NN Peadar agus Pól” or “The Cluniac School in the protection of SS Peter and Paul”.

Green Schools

The Green School Committee is made up of our Principal Mrs Fagan, Ms Kilgannon and a pupil from each of the classes in the school. The school has been awarded five Green Flags from An Taisce, one for Waste Management, one for Energy Management, one for Water Conservation, one for Transport and one for Biodiversity.  Our school garden was a great help when we were working towards our fifth green flag.

Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 9:00am

Homework Club

2:50pm - 6:00pm

Assigned Work From Teacher

As a result of the extension to school closures, our teachers have prepared additional work for the children to complete at home. You can access…

Read more